On Fri, May 17, 2019 at 04:56 AM, Tom Mack wrote:
> I was interested in the actual operating practice when the train
> approached/passed the 501i Permissive since the term Restricted Speed was used
> but no actual speed limit.
In my 1967 rulebook in the Burlington Lines section Rule 501i Permissive says
"Proceed at restricted speed through entire block". You then have to look at
the rulebook definition of Restricted Speed in the front of the book.
"RESTRICTED SPEED-- Proceed prepared to stop short of train, engine,
obstruction, or switch not properly lined, looking out for broken rail or
anything that may require the speed of a train or engine to be reduced, but not
exceeding 20 mph".
So the Permissive signal rule does have a speed limit associated with it (max
20mph) via the definition of Restricted Speed.
Of course the signal BEFORE the Permissive signal would be an Approach 501e so
the engineer would be prepared to stop AT THE 501i Permissive signal itself
since technically the obstruction could be just 1 foot beyond it.
And yes, cruising on successive yellow blocks was a hazard to your life. That
is why in later rulebooks you had to immediately reduce to 30mph upon
encountering an Approach signal. Running at 30mph instead of track speed tended
to remind you that you were running on an Approach signal and it also allowed
you to further slow the train & make the crash less severe if you sill forgot.
Also I never liked locations where the best the signal could display was
Approach and which was followed by the next signal normally automatically
clearing to Clear before you got to it. Yes I KNOW what the rule says, be
prepared to stop at the next signal, but that 'always yellow then always green'
scenario tended to set up expectations that inevitably one day were not true
and you suddenly encountered a Stop signal with a train in your way.
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