There were a couple of factors which caused the separation. The conductor
was the boss of the train, but the engineer was the one who was physically
in charge. Enginemen belonged to the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and
Enginemen while trainmen belonged to the Brotherhood of Railroad
Trainmen. Conductors also had their own Order of Railroad Conductors which
was later changed to Order of Railroad Conductors and Brakemen. These
consolidated as the United Transportation Union. In addition, the
engineers had the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers. This union did not
consolidate, but expanded to include train dispatchers. Yardmen belonged
to the Switchmen's Union of North America (the snakes) which also went into
the UTU. There was also the Order of Railroad Telegraphers and also the
Brotherhood of Railroad Clerks. I belonged to both at various times.
At 04:22 PM 3/20/2003, you wrote:
Jan: I'm not much of a philosopher or "mature" enough to give a real good
answer to your question regarding "animosity vs fun"....However...the "great
gulf fixed" between trainmen and enginemen seems to have always existed...You
go back to any old source for railroad lore and you always see it.