Bill Chambers wrote:
OK. I mentioned in a note to Steven (I think) that I
recalled a Wabash train with a lone coach on the end.
MAYBE you and I are talking about the same train.
This was in the lata 50s and I'd swear it had a Wabash
diesel on the point, but I likely am wrong.
July 1955 Official Guide Shows for Wabash:
Daily, train No. 11 depart St. Louis 8 pm, Albia 330 a.m. arrive
Des Moines 630 am.
Daily, train No. 14-18 leave Des Moines 915 pm, Albia 1119 pm,
arrive St. Louis 735 am.
Scheduled to meet in Kirksville.
July 1955 OG shows for M&StL.
Daily except Sunday, The M&StL had a No. 8 departing Albert Lea at
240 pm, and arrived in Albia at 950 pm, and per their timetable,
connected with Wabash 14-18.
Daily except Sunday, Northbound M&StL No. 7 shows connection with
Wabash 11 at Albia, M&StL No. 7 departed Albia 415 am, arriving in
Albert Lea at 10:45 am.
M&Stl shows no passenger service Des Moines to Albia, but does
have passenger service Des Moines to the Twin Cities via Albert Lea.
Burlington Lines:
Train 7-27 showing connections out of Chicago 1215 am and St.
Louis 1110 pm (Zephyr Rocket) shows Ottumwa 902 a.m. Train 7-27
departed Albia 1130 am arrived Des Moines 245 pm Daily except Sunday.
Train 28-6 daily except Sunday out of Des Moines 715 a.m., Albia
11:00 a.m., Ottumwa 1255 pm, St. Louis 1008 pm and Chicago 735 pm,
also shows Peoria arrival 845 pm.