----- Original Message -----
To: ritslist@s...
Sent: Sunday, December 15, 2002 4:34 PM
Subject: Fw: Hotel in West Liberty
----- Original Message -----
To: Majordomo@s...
Sent: Sunday, December 15, 2002 4:16 PM
Subject: Hotel in West Liberty
Once upon a time, not that long ago, there was big (at least it seemed big)
hotel next to the Rock Island depot in West Liberty, Iowa. I remember it as
being called the Globe, but perhaps that was because it appeared to be as old
as Shakespeare's Globe Theater. I'm trying to put together an article about a
trip I took in 1966. I rode RI No. 9 from Iowa City, the CB&Q mixed No. 28 to
Albia, the Nebraska Zephyr to Burlington, RI No. 201 to West Liberty, and back
on No. 9 to Iowa City. I remember looking out the window of No. 9 and seeing
lights on in the windows of the old hotel, and even silhouettes on the shades.
But was it called the Globe, or is that just my imagination?
By December, 1966, No. 9 was, down to a single coach. But I vaguely recall that
it sometimes had 2 RPO's--one Chicago-Des Moines, and a second that went
through to Omaha.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Steve Wylder
I know this isn't a proper BRHS question, but then, there have been inquiries
on M&StL and Iowa Central lately. And of course, RI 201 was a part of a jointly
operated Q-RI service. But I haven't gotten any answers from ritslist (once I
got it to the right address--the one listed above isn't). There's even a
picture of the mansard-roofed hotel at http:www.westlibertyiowa.com/Heritage/
But if anyone out there knows its name, I'd appreciate it.
Steve Wylder
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