There’s a photo on eBay at
which purports to be Midwest 65 tonner number 9123 at Chicago. The unit is devoid of any numbering
or road initials and appeared to be painted a lighter colour than black. In an
attempt to identify a possible date, I compared it with other photos of 9123 and
identified a significant number of structural changes that seemed to have taken
place. Fortunately, when checking the Midwest units in Bulletin 6 – the Center
Cab issue - I turned to the following page and found Witchita Valley’s
Cummings 95 tonner number 101, which matched it perfectly. The text shows that
it was delivered in Pullman green paint but
without letters or numbers, in September 1937, so presumably this photo was
taken when it was handed over to the Burlington
by the builder. Does anyone recognise the location?
The Bulletin in 1982 noted that only six photos were known of this unit. Maybe
more have been found in the interim but there are now at least seven.
Rupert Gamlen
Auckland NZ