Here are a few shots of foreign power in pool service on the Q in Denver and Lincoln.
From: <> on behalf of HOL WAGNER <>
Sent: Thursday, May 19, 2022 10:51 AM
To: <>
Subject: Re: [CBQ] Run through motive power
My 1973 BN Annual has an 18-page article on motive power pools,
with lots of photos, detailing all the pools the BN participated in up to that time, with information on the ones that were already in existence when BN was created in 1970.
From: <> on behalf of Tom Mack via <>
Sent: Thursday, May 19, 2022 8:58 AM
To: <>
Subject: Re: [CBQ] Run through motive power
Over 20 years ago we discussed pool power on the Q and I still have my notes from November 8, 2001! Here is what I had at the time. A number of members on this list contributed to the info back then. Most of this info is still relevant and up to date. I have
newer pool power info based on continued research of the C&I from Chicago to Mpls/StP from 1965-merger since that is the line I model, but I'm not sure if that is of interest to you or not.
Thanks to everyone so far who responded to my post. I am gathering the info being posted and will put it together in a form I hope to grow over time.
Special thanks to Ed DeRouin for reminding all of us about Railfax and back issues of X2200. It just so happens they are located just down the street
from my office, so I picked up the last 3 issues of X2200 I needed, and what a surprise: Issue 3 from March 1968 has an article on Motive Power Pools and predominate in the list are the CB&Q pools of the 1960's.
CB&Q-NYC Elkhart, IN to Omaha, NE Power: 2000+ HP B-B (pictures show primarily NYC U25B/U28B/U30B. GP35 and GP40 units also used.
CB&Q-PRR-UP Enola to Los Angeles via 21st St Chicago Power: 2000+ HP GP/SD units (at least one picture in March 1968 of a lashup of 3 Q GP30's, 1
UP GP30, and a PRR C425)
CB&Q-UP Chicago to Grand Island Power: 2000+ HP B-B (pictures show primarily UP GP30's and GP30B's, GP35's)
CB&Q-D&RGW Chicago to Salt Lake Power: 2000+ HP B-B (primarily GP30)
Only ran for short time in 1965-1966.
C&S-ATSF Pueblo to Denver Power: Anything (there are several shots in the C&S Southern Division book that show even SF RSD4/5 mixed with C&S GP, SD,
and F power!)
According to the article Q used its six U25B's extensively in UP pool service in late 1965 to mid 1966.
Finally, there is mention of a possible SP-CB&Q pool that simply had ??? next to it. Also a discontinued CB&QGN pool that was suspended prior to the
merger. Does anyone know anything about these pools?
Tom Mack
Cincinnati, OH
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PRR2414-Q102-Q332-Q923-Q570, Lincoln, Neb., 9-1968, Hol Wagner photo.jpg
Description: PRR2414-Q102-Q332-Q923-Q570, Lincoln, Neb., 9-1968, Hol Wagner photo.jpg
PRR6167-PRRGP35-PRRGP30-PRRGP30 on Q, Denver, 8-1967, Hol Wagner photo.jpg
Description: PRR6167-PRRGP35-PRRGP30-PRRGP30 on Q, Denver, 8-1967, Hol Wagner photo.jpg
Q948-Q959-PRR2432-Q976-UP758-Q958, Denver, 3-5-1968, Hol Wagner photo.jpg
Description: Q948-Q959-PRR2432-Q976-UP758-Q958, Denver, 3-5-1968, Hol Wagner photo.jpg
UP862-UP706B-PRR2417-PC2619-PRR2361-Q148, Denver, 4-4-1968, Hol Wagner photo.jpg
Description: UP862-UP706B-PRR2417-PC2619-PRR2361-Q148, Denver, 4-4-1968, Hol Wagner photo.jpg