Forgot to send along this one last view of the 220 with "CHEYENNE" barely visible on its left side as train No. 32 pulls out of the Cheyenne depot on its way back to Denver on a cold January day in 1937.

From: <> on behalf of HOL WAGNER <>
Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2018 8:11 AM
Subject: Re: [CBQ] Observation Cars Purchased from SP&S
Glad to be of help. The Q was a big proponent of enclosed end observation cars and in fact took delivery in 1909 of the first solarium observation cars, built for it by Pullman for Chicago-Denver service. By 1934,
with the first Zephyr about to enter service, the railroad would simply not operate open platform observation cars on its through trains, the few it had left being used strictly for special and excursion trains. So the very first thing the company would have
done on receiving these two cars from the SP&S was to enclose their rear platforms, a task undertaken by the shops at Aurora, Ill. I have diagram sheets of the two cars in two different configurations if you are interested.
From: <> on behalf of Richard Wilkens <>
Sent: Monday, February 26, 2018 7:09 PM
Subject: Re: [CBQ] Observation Cars Purchased from SP&S
Hi Hol,
Thank you very much for the info. I'm working on a project documenting all SP&S passenger cars from womb to tomb and this really helps. So I'm assuming by the photos that soon after the cars arrived on the CB&Q that they removed the observation platform and
turned it into a solarium sun room. Is that correct?
Rich Wilkens
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CB&Q Obs-Lounge 220 'Cheyenne' on C&S No. 32, Cheyenne, Wyo., 1-24-1937, Otto Perry photo, DPLWHD coll. No. OP-7201.jpg
Description: CB&Q Obs-Lounge 220 'Cheyenne' on C&S No. 32, Cheyenne, Wyo., 1-24-1937, Otto Perry photo, DPLWHD coll. No. OP-7201.jpg