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Re: Posting of calendar art

Subject: Re: Posting of calendar art
From: "rcp95240" <rcp95240@a...>
Date: Thu, 22 May 2003 16:16:16 -0000
In-reply-to: <BAY8-F4iv9sFU3b2tyF00002235@h...>
User-agent: eGroups-EW/0.82
There comes a time in a person's life when they have to stand up and 
decide whether or not to live by their principles. I am standing and 
I will contact Mr. Hiatte for the offical BNSF permission..

For I am trying to get a few of my ideas patent protection. It would 
be very hypocritical of me to protect my IT while stealing other's.

Besides that, those actions would be very disrespectful of the Q.
I owe my knowledge of electronics and my 31 year career in the 
telecomm industry to her.

But if someone out there wants to go ahead and contact Mr. Hiatte on 
my behalf. Please CC me on your email(s). Getting another "bill 
paying" job is higher on the list then writing to the BNSF. So is 
learning the ways of the USPTO office!

Ron Peterson
Clover Township Industries

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