Greetings all:
In a message dated 1/25/03 8:52:02pm, cbqrr47@y... writes:
>Yes, and an airbrake hose makes a great club too! But
>I remember when almost every trainman and switchman
>"packed iron", i.e. REAL weapons. A shubnose 38 fit
>nicely in your overall bib, thank you!
Also re Leo's post from the BRT files about buying your own lantern with the
company furnishing bulbs and batteries.
Several years ago I rode an SP freight Tucson to El Paso with a conductor
whose seniority dated to 1950. The SP was (and the UP still is) having
trouble with border bandits ripping off vans and containers on parked trains
or forcing trains to stop by sitting in vehicles on desert grade crossings
until the crew was forced to dump the air. Anyway, he longed for the old
days and old rules when his grandfather was a conductor out of Ogden.
Granddad had to supply his own weapon, but the company supplied the