If you do not have the TRRA Bulletin on the Zephyr Rocket, it is well
worth purchasing. Larry Thomas, the editor, did a great job putting
together the history of the train. It is like a book just on the Zephyr
Rocket. He also explained why the train only ran with one E unit
(arguments about costs). The general rule of thumb was 8 cars per E
unit, but the Zephyr Rocket often exceeded this due to head end traffic
and had time keeping problems on the Burlington portion.
A reproduction of the Zephyr Rocket dining menu is also included folded
and tucked in the back cover. There is also maps and interesting detail
about how the Zephyr Rocket was routed into the Quincy station on the
Illinois side before the new West Quincy depot was built.
Bill Hirt
On 5/16/2021 12:04 AM, Henry Kraichely wrote:
Bill thank you for the accurate grade data on Prospect hill. From my
backyard I could look down the line for a mile are more and the grade
was very obvious as I looked down grade.
Another bit of trivia is I never the Zephyr/Rocket run with more than
a single E unit even during the Holidays. The train would add a coach
or two but not a second E. I used Hall Street quite often many time
seeing a E unit sitting on one of the tracks across from the
roundhouse only accessible by the turntable. I read that the Q took
their unit that came in that morning on the Zephyr/Rocket out to their
Hall Street Yard to be serviced. I read they thought the Terminal
Railroad charged too much for the service.,_._,_
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