[Attachment(s) from Hol Wagner included below]
It's not at Denver, it's at Pueblo. The Colorado Springs and Pueblo Santa Fe switchers carried joint lettering from about the mid-1930s on, just as a portion of the C&S Denver switchers did. Attached are a few more of the Santa Fe steam switchers with
the joint lettering, all at Pueblo or Colorado Springs.
From: CBQ@yahoogroups.com <CBQ@yahoogroups.com> on behalf of John Trulson norskeviking@msn.com [CBQ] <CBQ@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Wednesday, February 1, 2017 11:07 AM
To: CBQ@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [CBQ] Re: 1952 flooding
Interesting that it's marked as being in Denver, I've always thought C&S did the switching for ATSF in Denver and ATSF did the switching for C&S in Pueblo. That was the reason C&S lettering was on top, and in Pueblo the ATSF was above the C&S. Not sure
why a SF 0-6-0 would be in Denver ?
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, February 01, 2017 9:39 AM
Subject: Re: [CBQ] Re: 1952 flooding [1 Attachment]
February 1, 2017
Mark/Hol - Very much appreciate both your comments and recollections including the images of the PA's on the Q! All very interesting. I'm going to contribute an image of Santa Fe 0-8-0 type No. 854 lettered for the joint switching entity AT&SF C&S. Whereas
I've got a number of images showing C&S 2-8-0's so lettered, this is the only one I've come across to date of a Santa Fe steam locomotive so lettered. I've both inserted and attached the image that's dated 1951 and identified as being at Denver.

I do not recall the joint switching entity being featured in the BRHS Bulletin, so maybe this thread can be the basis for such an article in the future. Same for the 1952 flooding and subsequent detouring. If both subjects have been covered previously,
then forgive me as I'm developing a case of "old timers disease" since my memory is not quite as sharp as it once was. My Dad was C&S southern division trainmaster at Trinidad, CO, during 1951-52 and I still well remember watching Santa Fe steam on Raton Pass.
Those wonderful memories still remain clear as can be.... Best Regards - Louis
Louis Zadnichek II
Fairhope, AL
In a message dated 1/31/2017 6:22:15 P.M. Central Standard Time, CBQ@yahoogroups.com writes:
Greetings everyone,
Otto Perry took the following still images of the ATSF on the Q;
OP-2194 7/15/51 Alco PA #68+ Derby CO 13 cars @ 55mph
OP-2196 7/15/51 Alco PA #75+ 'The Chief' Derby CO 13 cars @ 70mph
Otto took several stills on the Joint Line on the same day.
And other days too, in July 1951.
If Mr Perry was there, it is possible that Mr Kindig was there too.
Because of the 1951 emergency all diesels were pressed into service pulling the back log from CA east.
Very unlikely that any steamers went east over the Q at that time.
After 1953 steam was rare on the Joint Line.
I am uncertain as to who crewed the detoured diesels over the Q in 1951. My guess would be ATSF enginemen with a CB&Q crew acting as pilots.
Part of the negotiations were not only between the ATSF and the CB&Q, but also between the local committees of the engineers, firemen and trainmen. No wonder it took time to organize the detours.
I am not aware of images of ATSF steamers on the Q.
Having said that I can say that ATSF steamers sometimes ran over the C&S's Denver-Colorado Springs line.
Given the close relationship between the ATSF and the CB&Q, and given that emergencies did sometimes arise, it is possible that ATSF steamers did run over the Q.
In Superior NE, ATSF engines ran over CB&Q tracks for a short distance switching and turning t rains.
Incidentally, C&S engine men ran ATSF steamers, as called, over the Joint Line in the early years due to the unique Joint Operating Agreement and the labour agreements in force at the time. And ATSF crews C&S trains.
Thank you all for your excellent contributions to date. :-)
Oh, yes. Otto Perry's "Santa Fe" is on CD. Mostly diesels but many steamers; exceptional photography!
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From: "LZadnichek@aol.com [CBQ]" <CBQ@yahoogroups.com>
To: CBQ@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Wednesday, 1 February 2017, 8:13
Subject: Re: [CBQ] Re: 1952 flooding
January 31, 2017
Mark and Hol - Did the Santa Fe (Uncle Pete to you real old timers....) run their own steam locomotives on detoured trains over the Q? Sometime in the past, I've seen images of Santa Fe diesel streamliners detouring, but I've never seen an image of a Santa
Fe steam locomotive running over the Q east of Denver, or west from Chicago for that matter. Did Otto Perry or any others photograph any such scenes? Best Regards - Louis
Louis Zadnichek II
Fairhope, AL
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Posted by: Hol Wagner <holpennywagner@msn.com>