I agree on gravel going to Conkey's Pit. Didn't remember
the name but once you mentioned it I can make the connection.
Was also a quarry at Naperville. Did they ever have an Engine?
And as long as we're talking North Aurora I recall there was an
industry on the CA&E line along the river that used to go to their
Depot. In the early 70's there were a couple of "Q" composite
gons in there but nothing else. What was down there?
----- Original Message -----
From: <qutlx1@a...>
To: <brhslist@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Friday, 09 August, 2002 21:18
Subject: [BRHSlist] North Aurora
> The pit at North Aurora was Conkeys Or Conco Western (somebody help me out
> here). It was a limestone pit. They shipped out hoppers of various grades
> chipped stone. I believe the company is still there as Conco Western.
> I never saw the steam engines but as a kid recall mtys sitting between the
> main and Rte 25 ready to go in. I think somewhere in my archives is a
> list of the Irish Mail w/cars coming out of Conkeys.
> Also do know for sure that as the pit played out a ready mix operation set
> there. I want to say I recall a car of cement spotted for the ready mix
> plant.
> I'll go out on limb and say trk came out in very early 70's.
> Some of the other old Aurora Div guys chime in hear but I also recall
> of gravel coming out of Sheridan going to the ready mix plant in the old
> Conkeys pit. Right?
> Leo