> > For anyone curious, these terms are officially defined by
> > RSA/ARA/AAR/AREMA - not the dictionary, as they are railroad signal
> Thanks for the help. Where are those definitions found?
Ouch! Sorry - I guess I should have said that better... Every year, the
updated Signal Manual is provided for sale from the group - The group began
in 1890's as RSA (Railway Signal Association) and is today AREMA (American
Railway Engineering and Maintenance-of-way Association). They are on the web
at www.arema.org. The books are expensive, cheaper for members, and MUCH
cheaper when they make it to eBay or yard sales.
I am willing to provide excerpts to anyone needing such, but, they are now
copyrighted, so, other than copies of portions for informational purposes is
a no-no (and AREMA recently changed status from non-profit to for-profit,
so, they have a problem with it, unfortunately) The defintiions and
standards provided within the books are written by professional railroaders
(volunteers - often/usually on their personal time, not paid) and voted on
by railroad C&S guys from around North America. So, these are worth having
for anyone interested in signal related issues, terms, standards.