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Re: [CBQ] FT Lettering

To: "" <>
Subject: Re: [CBQ] FT Lettering
From: "Steven Holding" <>
Date: Thu, 27 Feb 2025 03:21:38 +0000 (UTC)
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Resent-date: Wed, 26 Feb 2025 19:21:46 -0800
See attached cover ad for EMD 12/18/43.  This is the reason there were no Rail locos produced as the 567 went to sea.  Once the Navy orders were filled rail locomotives were then built
Q and the Military

On Wednesday, February 26, 2025 at 07:33:12 PM EST, Philip Weibler <> wrote:

Hello HOL, Bill, and All -

May I add something to this thread?
So far as I know (have been watching real closely since 1952!) CB&Q and Rock Island FT sets came as ABBA, with couplers on the fronts of the A units and couplers on the rears of the two B cars. - a total of four couplers for the whole set. 
Each A-B pair was connected with a solid drawbar, not couplers, and they were much closer together than they'd be if there were couplers in there.  Check this photo and you'll see the solid drawbar between the A and the B.  (Some shops like Silvis called this a "pencil" drawbar)  

And......with no couplers in there no 'pin puller' (uncoupling rigging) was needed.

And......thus no need for a stirrup step and handhold.  The rear of the FTA and the front of the FTB were clean, blank - no stirrup step, no handhold.  The rear of the FTB had both because it had a coupler.

We'll let the modelers figure out how to properly detail their FT sets.  It doesn't seem like the manufacturers have figured this out as yet.  F7Bs are a different story.  Since they had couplers on both ends they had steps and handholds on all four corners.

Just sayin'     PAW 

On Friday, February 21, 2025 at 03:19:52 PM CST, Bill Schultz via <> wrote:

Bill --

The 567 engine had been upgraded to the 567A when FT production was resumed in mid-1943 (after being halted the preceding September by the WPA due to a shortage of materials), with the Q receiving its first FTs in December.  The Mechanical Department's FT diagram lists the engine as a 16 567A (see pp. 16-17 in Bulletin No. 4).

The earliest example I could locate of factory-applied side panel lettering (number only) is F2 153 (July 1946).  Subsequent builder's photos (F3s 121, 123; F7 168) also show just the motor number.  The conclusion is that the engine description lettering was an after-market addition applied by the railroad.  The earliest example of an FT with full side-panel lettering (motor number and engine description) is 114A (with second headlight and wagon wheel radio antenna) dated July 18, 1953.

Phil Weibler's side-panel detail photo of Q FTB 115B leaves some question as to the bottom line's lettering; "16" and "567A" are clear enough, but I'm thus far unable to discern the remainder of the bottom line.  

Athearn Genesis included the side panel lettering on their Burlington System graybacks.  Examples: Q F3 135A-B have both the motor number and engine description in one-inch lettering.  FW&D F7A 752D has the motor number only in one-inch lettering (FW&D reporting marks and motor number are located on the sides of the cab), and FW&D F7B 752C has "FW&D" in two-inch lettering centered above "752C" in one-inch lettering.  A comparison of the lettering/number of characters on the CB&Q models corresponds with what can be gleaned from prototype photographs. 


On Tuesday, February 18, 2025 at 06:18:45 PM CST, William Barber via <> wrote:


Thanks for the actual wording. Obviously, the unit has a replacement engine. The original engines, I believe, were 567 or 567A. I think the “A” model may have come out after WWII. The 567 received gradual improvements to correct problems and to improve performance, reliability and horsepower over the years, culminating in the 567D3A in the GP35 model. Amazing that the basic engine was able to be upgraded form 1350 hp all the way to 2500 hp. With the 40 series, the 645 model was introduced. Some of those original FT crankshafts were remanufactured and installed in 40 series models at 3000 hp. You might say that the crankshaft was somewhat over designed originally.

William Barber
Gravois Mills, MO

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