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Re: [CBQ] CB&Q Hide Service Boxcar 41272

To: "" <>
Subject: Re: [CBQ] CB&Q Hide Service Boxcar 41272
From: "Steven Holding" <>
Date: Sun, 2 Feb 2025 03:29:58 +0000 (UTC)
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Before those cars went to hide service.  In  the '70's they were used for can stock coming out of Chicago through Congress Park 2 cars a day would come up and go out on BN Train 185 every afternoon for the Twin Cities.  One reason I made this kit bash in O Scale.  I used an Intermountain 40 ft box and spliced in the Plug door out of an Atlas box car then rebuilt the side the way the cars were rebuilt.
Steve in SC

On Saturday, February 1, 2025 at 10:33:21 AM EST, Leo Phillipp via <> wrote:


Here’s a possible reason the car is in hide service. Sometimes a car gets assigned to a dirty product in error that then places that relatively good car in dirty service for the balance of its life.

An example I heard about in BN days was the case of two almost new boxcars in the late 70s/early 80s being spotted in Batavia,IL  on the house track for a battery recycler to load. Once loaded with beat up,leaky old batteries those nice shiny boxcars were no longer suitable for many clean product loads.

Your Dad told that felt factory story from time to time. I believe it was during a downturn when he got cut at Aurora and went into Chicago for work.

Leo Phillipp

On Jan 31, 2025, at 9:30 PM, Ed Rethwisch via <> wrote:

I recently ran across an XM-33 photo shopped in 1952 and is in hide service which I think is unusual because this car looks to be in pretty good condition and most cars in this service the car is in its last type of service before it goes to scrap.

I do remember my father telling me a story while switching in Chicago for the Q / BN there was a felt factory with a covered loading dock and the rails were on a slight slope and the switchman would uncouple the car to be shoved into the loading dock and close the knuckles to perform the shove so the switchman didn't have to be on the ground because of all the animal byproduct all over the place including the top of the rail so when shoving the car uncoupled and knuckles closed so they could push against the knuckles they could spot the car and pull away from the car without being on the ground
The second part was using a lot of sand because the switch engine would slip a lot and when all this was going on there were workers eating their lunch on the loading dock.
Kind of crazy what you can get used to. 

Edward Rethwisch          
<CB&Q 21208 50' XM-33 steel boxcar in hide service .png>
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Attachment: 5 Rebuilt Intermountain Box with Atlas Plug door added.JPG
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