Some of you may remember that Duncan Cameron and I worked together to
post a number of Microsoft Word files of CB&Q train orders. These now
reside in the files area.
Pete Hedgpeth recently gave Lenny Ohrnell a large collection of CB&Q and
BN train orders. Lenny brought them by the other day and Lenny said I
could go ahead and transcribe them to add to the work Duncan and I did
This collection is mainly for CB&Q locations from Galesburg westward.
There are also a few C&S and FW&D locations. One thing about this
collection is that a number of the train orders contained additional
crew paperwork like work and advisory messages. I've already transcribed
a few of the locations and I've attached them to this message
(Burlington and Galesburg). There will be many more to come.
I also updated train order files for several locations east of Galesburg
from orders that had come into my possession in the last year or two.
Bill Hirt
P.S. If you like foreign road power on the Q, you might want to check
out the Galesburg Willis Yard file.
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Train Orders Burlington IA.docx
Description: MS-Word 2007 document
Train Orders Galesburg IL Willis Yard.docx
Description: MS-Word 2007 document
Train Orders Galesburg IL.docx
Description: MS-Word 2007 document
Train Orders North La Crosse WI.docx
Description: MS-Word 2007 document
Train Orders Oregon IL.docx
Description: MS-Word 2007 document
Train Orders Rochelle IL.docx
Description: MS-Word 2007 document
Train Orders West Eola IL.docx
Description: MS-Word 2007 document