I just completed reading a thick file concerning the setting of the
division of work responsibility for yard crews and road crews between the
various union committees on the Aurora Division and management. Pretty tedious
read except for the tidbits that jump out every once in awhile. Two points at
Eola, in particular, were of special interest.
Mgmt. proposed that the
general switching limits east of Eola be at the coal chute at East Eola. The
joint union committee suggested the EJ&E xing.
What's of special
note to me is that this confirms beyond argument that there was a coal chute
just west of the EJ & E xing on the mainline. I make this point because I
have had guys argue With me that there never was such a facility(even during a
Secondly that the J did indeed cross the Q at grade. If
your familiar with the area you know Eola is built on a boggy area. The J
would have had a hard pull in either direction.
There's still a marshy area
that is now a DuPage County Preserve.
Leo Phillipp