May 25, 2017
Hol - Appreciate the further clarification on the train number. The image
came to me as "Train 30." I guess that somewhere along the line (no pun
intended) the last numeral was dropped. I'll amend my copy to Train No. 304.
Makes sense....
As you mention, a number of Class S-2-A locomotives were equipped with
Delta B cast steel trailer trucks during their service lifetimes. Locomotives so
equipped that I know of were the 2914, 2919, 2921, 2927, 2930, 2931, 2943 and
2947, although there may've been others. The flexible Delta B trucks certainly
complimented the appearance of the locomotives, while no doubt improving the
ride and backing for engine crews. Best Regards - Louis
Louis Zadnichek II
Fairhope, AL
In a message dated 5/25/2017 11:16:53 A.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:
The train in that photo would be either 301-302 or 303-304, the
Denver-Alliance trains. Trains 29-30 were Denver-Billings runs via
C&S and Q, known in later years as the Night Crawler. The photo is
likely of No. 304, as it was the only one of the four that passed through the
Sterling area in daylight.
Note that 2915 in this photo had the Elesco FWH applied to the top of the
extended L&B smokebox. And it still sports the original fixed
position (i.e., rigid) trailing truck, while 2914 has a Delta B cast steel
<> on behalf of [CBQ]
<> Sent: Thursday, May 25, 2017 9:57
AM To: Subject: Re: [CBQ] Engine 2914
[1 Attachment]
[Attachment(s) from included below]
May 25, 2017
Hol and Pete - Interestingly enough, 2914 as a Class S-2 locomotive
appears to have been equipped with an extended smoke box for burning lignite
coal on Lines West. I guess that when 2914 was upgraded to a Class S-2-A
and outfitted with an Elesco feed water heater, the smoke box was shortened as
it appears in later years on Lines East. The Class S-2-A's were a good,
durable and capable design that lasted right up to the end of steam operations
on both Lines West and East in the early-to-mid-1950s. The
Chicago General Offices mechanical department considered them to be dependable
locomotives for use on start-and-stop suburban trains right-up until
diesels took over. With their relatively light axle loading, they were also
favored for branch line use on Lines West where many of them worked out their
last days. The Q purchased the entire 50 Class S-2's in 1910, a large
locomotive order for the time. According to the Corbin Book, the last Class
S-2-A retired was the 2905 that was sold for scrap in May 1955 at the ripe
old age of 45 years. Whereas all the S-2 and S-2-A images posted earlier
are static views, I'm going to insert/attach one final image
of Class S-2-A No. 2915 in its element rolling local passenger
train No. 30 under a clean stack across the vast plains of northeastern
Colorado near Sterling on May 28, 1938, not quite 79 years ago this
Sadly, none of these beautiful locomotives were preserved. Best Regards -
Louis Zadnichek II
Fairhope, AL
In a message dated 5/25/2017 9:33:26 A.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:
Sorry to be so slow in answering your query. The earliest Lines
West assignment sheet I have is for Sept. 1, 1914, and it shows 2914
assigned to the Alliance Division. The next Lines West sheet I have is
for 1918, and 2914 is still at Alliance.
I don't have any early views of the engine, and the only view I know of
before it was rebuilt is an Otto Perry photo in Denver in 1928:
I also have this view at Red Oak in April 1938, but not taken by

Otto Perry also shot 2914 on a passenger train at St. Louis in the
early 1930s. She did indeed get around.
<> on behalf of [CBQ]
<> Sent: Wednesday, May 24, 2017 1:19
PM To: Subject: Re: [CBQ] Engine
2914 [2 Attachments]
[Attachment(s) from included below]
May 24, 2017
Pete - Your dad and Class S-2-A No. 2914 shared at least one thing in
common, both were well traveled..... From the plains of Wyoming and
Nebraska, sometime in its life 2914 migrated to Lines East and ended-up
finishing its career in suburban service between Chicago Union Station and
Aurora, IL. I'm inserting/attaching two images, one of the engineer's side
and one of the fireman's side.
CB&Q 2914 No Other Information - My educated
guess is the deadline at the Clyde roundhouse in Cicero,IL, near the time it
was sold for scrap in April 1954.
CB&Q 2914 Downers Grove, IL Suburban Yard
February 4, 1951
Unfortunately, I do not have an image of 2914 as built by the Baldwin
Locomotive Company as a Class S-2 in 1910. And, I do not have any images of
2914 on Lines West. Perhaps, another Group member does. Sometime
during its long career, 2914 was equipped with an Elesco feed water heater.
I would think your dad's 1915 sketch would show 2914 without a feed water
heater. Now you know what 2914 actually looked like nearing its
retirement on Lines East. Best Regards - Louis
Louis Zadnichek II
Fairhope, AL
In a message dated 5/23/2017 8:52:36 P.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:
I have a sketch
photo my dad made of engine 2914....He notes on the back J. Hedgpeth
age 9..That would make the date of the sketch 1915.
I wonder if any of you guys who have the old assignment sheets can
tell me where this engine was summer 1915.
I'm thinking it somewhere on the Alliance or Casper Divisions at that
My grandfather "traveled" for the Lincoln Drug company in the western
Nebraska, SW South Dakota and eastern Wyoming during the years
During summers of those years my dad and my grandmother would go out
to his territory with him. His headquarters was Alliance NE and he
owned a drug store at Scottsbluff at that time. Hence I'm thinking
that my dad may have seen that engine somewhere around Alliance,
Scottsbluff, Casper etc.
I have that sketch framed and hanging on my wall and it would be a
really good thing if I could caption the photo with the possible location
of the engine during the summer months 1915.
Thanks for any help you can give me.
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