That’s lame. Almost as lame as the excuse they gave for using an orange-red for the first run of Rock Island “Rocket Freight” F-units.
Brian Ehni
From: CB&Q Group <> on behalf of CB&Q Group <>
Reply-To: CB&Q Group <>
Date: Thursday, September 22, 2016 at 5:30 PM
To: CB&Q Group <>
Subject: Re: [CBQ] Intermountain F3 Issue
My local dealer called them. Intermountain told him they thought they had some B units around from a previous run. Intermountain was going to check to see if the paint matched. If it matched, they are going to ship one of the in-stock B units from a previous run to him with the A units. Since the numbering of the B units is small, it will not be hard to change the number with decals. My dealer was also unhappy they didn't let him know about the B unit cancellation until now.
Bill Hirt
I was just notified by my dealer that Intermountain canceled the B units of ABA and ABBA F-3 sets without any previous notification to those who preordered. They will ship only A units beginning September 26. If you ordered sets with B units, and the Q only ran sets until around 1960 as far as I know, you may wish to cancel your orders. Otherwise, you’ll be left with a bunch of A units, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen a photo of two A units running back to back.
Extremely disappointed would be putting it mildly.
Nelson Moyer