My 1956 folio book says the renumbering was part of a 1951 program so I
doubt many cars would be chinese red yet although some might. So I would
just carefully paint out the number 4 and run them.
Ken Martin
Duncan Cameron wrote:
> Ken,
> I have the first six Proto 2000 autobox cars in the 48000-48224 series (XA
> 15a). I noticed that in my 1957 equipment roster these cars were gone and
> the 8000-8224 cars are there. Do you know whether this was a simple
> renumbering job or was there a change in paint scheme as well? This would
> have been about when they started painting equipment Chinese Red. I may not
> make any changes, but if renumbering would make them accurate for my circa
> 1963 layout, I might consider that.
> Duncan Cameron