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Re: [BRHSlist] "Automobile Cars"

Subject: Re: [BRHSlist] "Automobile Cars"
From: Ken Martin <kmartin@c...>
Date: Tue, 06 May 2003 17:36:44 -0700
References: <1d6.8fdd625.2be9419e@a...>

Box cars were class XM, Auto were class XA and were door and half or
double door cars. Below is a chart of Q auto cars I have compiled. The
XA 13, 14B and 15B had end doors. The XA 15 and 16 were steel the rest
were single sheathed cars.The XA 9,14 and 15 were 50' the rest were 40'.
In the 50's many were converted to boxcars by fixing the second door and 

CLASS 1930 1940 1950'S BOX CONV.

XA-6 44000-44499 44000-44499 ***        
XA-7 44500-44999 44500-44999 *** 12500-12982
XA-8 41500-42999 41500-42999 *** 11000-12374
XA-9 45500-45999 45500-45999 45500-45999        
XA-10 46000-46481 46000-46481 ***       
XA-11 40500-41999 40500-41499 *** 10000-10827
XA-11 *** ***   49000-49483     " "
XAR-11 *** 47489-47999 47489-47999 7489-7999
XA-11A *** *** 40108    
XA-12   40200-40499 *** ***     
XA-12 *** 47190-47488 47190-47488       7000-7189
XA-12 *** *** 40125-40149       
XA-12A BOX      *** *** ***     10900-10962
XA-13   40000-40199 40000-40009 40000-40009     
XA-13   *** *** 40010-40013     
XA-13 *** 47000-47189 47000-47189 7000-7189
XA-14 () *** 46500-46999 46500-46999    
XA-15 A *** 48000-48224 48000-48224 8000-8224
XA-15 B *** 48500-48599 48500-48599     
XA-15 A *** 49000-49783 49500-49674     
XA-16 *** *** 39000-39499 9000-9499

As to models to park at your loading ramp. There was an XA-7 kitbash
article in Mainline Modeler Nov. 95. Sunshine models has done some resin
kits. The Proto 2000 50' double door cars also with end door will work
for the XA-15's and Accurail has a double door steel car that works for
an XA-16.

Good luck and keep the wheels of progress rolling!

Ken Martin

drale99@a... wrote:
> When I was growing up on the CB&Q during the 30's and 40's in Nebraska, I
> remember my dad, who was an agent/operator, often referring to "automobile"
> cars. It seemed to me he was referring to ordinary box cars when he used
> that term. So I always assumed the terms were synomymous.
> Recently I added a dock and ramp for unloading autos on one of the sidings on
> my basement RR. I placed a couple of shiny new 39 Fords on the ramp and
> spotted a box car alongside the dock. It immediately became very obvious
> that no way could you load or unload an automobile on a standard 40-ft. box
> car. Now I'm curious as to what my dad was actually referring to when he
> talked about "outomobile cars". Can somebody let me know so I can correctly
> service this dock?
> Dale
> '

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