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Old Monroe line?

Subject: Old Monroe line?
From: jkohl <jkohl@n...>
Date: Fri, 10 Jan 2003 08:49:34 -0800 (PST)
Reply-to: jkohl@n...
>small 5 mile section near Troy, Mo. was purchased by some Troy people and
>continued to operate until 1960 under the name of  St Louis and Troy.
>This railroad made interchanges with the CB&Q at Moscow Mills on the 
>Old Monroe to Francis line.

This is very interesting to me, as I live on just the other side of this
line, but you crossed it every time you went to St. Louis. Does anyone know
where I can find more information about the Old Monroe line and even the
Troy line?

I will hopefully be in St. Louis in April, I plan to journey all the way up
the old route and get some pictures of everything that I can, including
probably going all the way past W. Quincy to the IRM. I think I mentioned
this before, but there was a derailment on the St. Joseph > Hannibal line
just south of Clarksville, MO (or maybe in between Clarksville and
Louisiana). Are those old boxcars still sitting there, and does anyone know
when the derailment was?

As well, there was a gravel quarry right south of Elsberry, with a side
track and a quarry building for dumping gravel into railcars. Does anyone
know if this building is still standing, if not, any pictures?


»» Jan Kohl ««
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