In a message dated 12/23/02 7:47:56pm, qutlx1@a... writes:
>Condr 'K' ... is assigned to work train at Oregon for the week. After a
>quite couple days of working 10 or 11 hrs of ditching and then dining in
>the w/c near the depot he decides to seek a few refreshments "uptown" on
>this night. A few must have turned into many as he's picked up for
>drunkeness on his walk back to the w/c and tossed into jail for the night.
Wonder if he dropped by the C&I Tap? Would have been appropriate since the
place seems to have been named for the Q predecessor. Anyone know the
history of this particular watering hole? It was a lively concern when I was
a kid but had closed by my last visit in 1991.
Bill Diven