>>> The original operator of the plant was a company called "Day and
Zimmerman" - a contraction of that company's name became the station name.
N. L. Pitsch <<<
Now . . . I gotta figure out a way to work that into a conversation <grin>
And to pay you all back, here's one of those lovely wartime rumors that was
running around Mediapolis at the time . . . I got it from my mother, who was a
high school teacher's wife, and they heard *everything*. In the darkest days of
WW II - shortly before the Battle of Midway, she said that they seriously
planned to put the entire plant underground, and camouflage it against air
attack . . . by building a golf course on top.
Doncha think a 162-hole golf course would be a little conspicuous <grin>?
Marshall Thayer
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