We have a case here where our list moderator was trying to send me a
personal email and accidentally posted it to the list. We all (me included)
need to be more careful to double check that emails are appropriately
addressed before hitting the send button.
If everyone will double check the Commercial Posting Policy just delivered,
item No. 9 stated "Non-commercial posts from subscribers should not contain
any "signature footer" promoting the commercial venture -
i.e. - phone number, web site, sales terms, etc..."
This is a tough one to call, as Milepost 206 is requesting photos, and in
order for the photos to be sent, you need the address. While this does
violate the letter of the law, I feel that it doesn't violate the formal warning will be issued.
While we are on the subject, there was another innocent bending of the
policy - when John Olson mentioned in passing "I have had them on the
shelves now for several weeks..." - again no formal warning will be issued.
I'm making the assumption that these were inadvertent, and not intentional
"testing" of the policy... just like John's mis-posting of the email to me
asking for clarification.
All I ask is for all of us to use common sense and to be careful in our
Dave Lotz
BRHS VP of Archives
BRHSlist Owner
-----Original Message-----
From: GORDON SMITH [mailto:kc2bw@a...]
Sent: Monday, May 06, 2002 5:26 AM
Subject: Re: [BRHSlist] Call for Waycar Photos
Where does it say ...I have this book for the message????
I do not see any soliciting for sales in it.
BNJohn@a... wrote:
> Dave,
> I notice that at the bottom of this post he sign it by the company name
and I
> feel that this is a commerical post because he is selling this book, I
> thought we had told the list not to do this. Please let me know what you
> think, I feel that a few others my get pissed off by this.
> Thanks
> John
> > Hi,
> >
> > Time is running out. Contributions for the Waycar Book are coming in
> > and we are expecting more from sources that have committed to
> > providing photos. We have received excellent material.
> >
> > We need everyone to go dig for color slides of the following waycar
> > classes to add to the material already in hand. We will also accept
> > B&W if you have them for some of these classes. Kodak photos were
> > being colored by hand when some of these waycars were pounding the
> > rails.
> >
> > NE-13a 13640-13689
> > NE-13b 13690-13714
> > NE-9 13739-13829
> > NE-8 13830-13924
> > NE-7 13925-13999
> > NE-1 14000-14389 Non-side door
> > NE-2 14390-14406
> > NE-6 14407-14476
> > NE-1 14496-14498
> > NE-5 14500-14645 28'
> > NE-5 14646-14698 30'
> > NE-11 14700 B&W and Color
> > NE-5 14800-14889 Boxcar B&W
> > XM-1 14900-14910 B&W
> > XM-2 14925-14973 B&W
> > CW1-CW7 14750-14790
> > CW1-CW7 3900 Series
> > NE Wood Box 14800-14890 Converted'43-'45
> > Waycar light photos, steam and diesel operations.
> >
> > Please contact me off list if you need further info. The material
> > deadline is June 1, 2002.
> >
> > Thank-you.
> >
> > Mile Post 206 Publishing, Inc.
> > P.O. Box 543
> > West Burlington, IA 52655-0543
> > 319-754-1408
> >
> >
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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