I can't comment on the Stout recorder per se,however I can state that impact
recorders are alive and well in the industry today. They are placed into box
cars,etc and record the time the car receives an impact over whatever
threshold was set.
I recall the time a crew set out at Oregon and being a good crew cut the s/o
off on the "fly" on the Mt Morris main. Seems when the cut stopped and all
the slack from mty sand hoppers and loads of paper for Kable Bros got done
reverberating back and forth a "shock watch" in a load of paper got set
off.And the crew got time off.
We place them on tank cars too but its hard to put it inside so they go in
seperate boxes on the end sills or up top on the top platforms. Somehow they
often come in all smashed up with the recording device disabled or
missing???? Gee I wonder how that could be?
No problem,now they're being mounted inside the cars(in the "vapor space")
and have satellite links to send real time messages to the computer as to
when the "overspeed impact" took place.