I worked the Fairmont-Hildreth local for about 3 months summer 1958 and
> always had one of the 400-411 series engines. They had smaller fuel
> and could only make one round trip Fairmont-Hildreth without refuelling
> consequently we traded engines with the Lincoln-Hastings local at
> prior to each trip west.
Pete, I remember the experience you shared with the Lincoln Railfans a
few years ago, regarding a trip over weed-infested, dirt ballasted light
weight branch line rail at something like 60 mph. Amazing! (Maybe
that's why they needed refueling so often?) It shows how 'versatile'
these units were! ....Maybe you would be willing to share that story
here on the list....or perhaps Dave would like to include it in his
upcoming Bulletin article? :-) -Don