A friend called regarding the reference to the DeLorme Atlas I mentioned in
regards to Sedan, Ia.
Delorme has a CD atlas program which sells for $45. They also sell Atlas'
for each state, called DeLorme Atlas & Gazetteer. The CD Atlas is based upon
Government maps (it think USGS) and it zooms down to a 1/10th of a mile. It
can connect with a GPS, handy if you travel with your laptop. The Atlas CD
is updated about every year. I have found this a wonderful tool for
researching old RR lines, even if they do not show on the Atlas, I can still
find the town sites, and the nearest gravel/dirt road to take me there.
In reference to the Dirty Line, most of it is showing on my Street Atlas 7.0
as a dotted line (abandoned roadbed) going through the towns of Lamoni,
Tuskeego, Kellerton, Lesan, & Mount Ayr. East of Lamoni is not marked, but
Togo is on the map for those who want to find it.
DeLorme can be found at www.delorme.com
Phone is 800-569-8313
Hope this helps in the search.
Doug Harding