Ken,and list three dome( called 3 compartment cars,but not all cars w/3 domes
have 3 compartments,I'll save that for another day) were once the mainstay of
the retail bulk fuel distribution system. Cars would move from pipeline or
water terminals to the local bulk fuel dealer in hundreds of towns across
America. These cars were developed because the typical dealer couldn't handle
6 or 8,000 gallons of one commodity at a time.But 2 or 3,000 gallons of fuel
oil,regular and high octane gas in different compartments was just right.Also
in earlier days,the mix was often,fuel oil,kerosene and then gas.
These cars slowly faded away as the bulk dealer networks disappeared and/or
the trucks took over the business.
I recall ordering some late 50's/early 60's built 3 compartment cars
dismantled in the early to mid 90's.These were the last in the fleet and had
been stored for many years.
The only compartment cars in the UTLX fleet now are 2 compartment 20's and a
handful of 4 compartments 20s. One of which I'm holding at Council Bluffs for
the ILLinois Museum at Union.All the paperwork is signed and were waiting on
the U.P. to arrange transportation.
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