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Re: Best Job

Subject: Re: Best Job
From: bradslaney@w...
Date: Sun, 03 Dec 2000 03:12:34 -0000
In-reply-to: <c.dedf8e1.275adbc6@a...>
User-agent: eGroups-EW/0.82
--- In, qutlx1@a... wrote:
> I can't argue with the attributes of jobs listed by others but for 
me I'll 
> still take the Extra collectors. Home every night, not a dirty old 
> train, good payer,days,and regular days off (not a rotation) and oh 
yes the 
> job "downtown"too that generally came w/it. All the jobs listed 
would sure be 
> in the top 10 and next to the extra collectors it sure would be 
hard to beat 
> that Twin Zephyr pool.
> Karl Maybe that short lived Eola to GT w/f should make the top 5?
> Brad, I'll bet you can supply the answer to the "guarantee" quiz?
> Leo

I'll give the guarantee quiz a shot. For many years a days pay was 
100 miles. Well on every railroad, not just the Burlington, there 
are jobs that do not make 100 miles per day. In order to fill these 
jobs, they are guaranteed a "minimum of 100 miles" even though the 
100 mile requirement is not met in actual miles traveled. Also, I 
think, there are some jobs that guaranteed a minimum monthly 
payment. I think these guaranteed jobs were also negotiated by the 
Brotherhoods. How close am I?

Thinking of the Twin City Zephyr pool, I vividly remember two who 
worked it. An old Brakeman named "Riley". I don't know his first 
name but he had ill-fitting false teeth. And George Thompson, who 
had given up his rights as Conductor but still headed the ORC in 


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