Hello all, My library can obtain photocopies of magazine articles - however they are they need some rather specific information. Would it be possible for somebody here to tell me the date/year that t
Dear Rupert, Thank you for the heads up for that index. It is very idepth and useful and must have taken many many hours to compile. However, for requesting an article - the info that you provided be
Hello all, I am looking for some information on the article about the Denver Shops that appeared in issue 5 of the Burlington Bulletin. I am specifically looking for the name of the author and the pa
Hello all I have a question about "riots" between competing railroads - often at the construction of junctions. Does anybody here know if riot had a different use in the late 19th century than it doe
What would be a good source to check for details on LCL discontinuation? Did railroads have to file a notice with the ICC that they were discontinuing a particular tarriff? If so, where would these d
Hello all, Can anyone here point me to some photos of Minerville -AKA- Fort Madison Farmington & Western. In spite of some diligent web searching I was only able to come up with about two-dozen photo