Railroad & Shortlines Club of Chicago
7:30 pm Central Standard Time
Friday, January 17, 2025
Please do not arrive before 7:15 pm. Also, if you are participating on Zoom,
please do not join before 7:15 pm on the day of the meeting.
Zoom meeting codes are at the end of this message.
Our next meeting will be both an in-person meeting and a Zoom meeting. If
enough people from outside the Chicago area attending Zoom meetings become Club
members, this will encourage the Club to make hybrid meetings a permanent
feature. Dues are $20 which includes four glossy newsletters sent by mail. The
dues renewal is sent with the fourth newsletter. We still have slide shows
which will not be presented via Zoom.
Here are details about joining Railroad & Shortlines Club of Chicago:
In-person meeting location
Chicago Union Station
Room 107A
500 W Jackson Blvd (enter between Clinton and Canal)
Chicago, Illinois
The Rise and Fall of Chicago Cable Cars by Greg Borzo, author of Chicago Cable
When most people hear the words "cable car" they think of San Francisco. Yet
for one-quarter of a century Chicago boasted the largest cable car system the
world has ever seen that transported more than one billion riders.
This monumental system filled residents with pride--and filled robber barons'
pockets with money. It also sparked a cable-car building-boom that spread to 26
other U.S. cities.
Railroad & Shortlines Club of Chicago meets at 7:30 pm Central Time on the
third Friday of the month except in July and August. The in-person meeting
location is Chicago Union Station Room 107A. Enter at 500 W Jackson Blvd, which
is between Clinton and Canal.
Upcoming programs
February 21, 2025: Prague & Munich by Mike Lehman
March 21, 2025: TP&W by Bill Shapotkin; this will be a slide presentation,
in-person meeting only
April 18, 2025: to be announced
May 16, 2025: Layover in Savanna by Leo Phillipp
For program announcements, please subscribe to our groups.io mailing list. Send
a blank email message
To: rscc+subscribe@groups.io
To obtain Zoom meeting codes for future programs given by Zoom, the best way is
to subscribe to our groups.io mailing list.
Web site: https://rscc.dhke.com/
Email: shortlinechicagoHS@hotmail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/railroadshortlinecc
Phone number answered during the program: 312 725-0432. At other times, leave
message with your name and telephone number to receive a call back.
Zoom meeting invitation
Railroad & Shortlines Club of Chicago is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom
Topic: The Rise and Fall of Chicago Cable Cars
Time: 7:30 pm Central Standard Time, Friday, January 17, 2025
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 810 8968 7625
Passcode: 997503
One tap mobile
3126266799,,81089687625#,,,,*997503# US (Chicago)
3092053325,,81089687625#,,,,*997503# US
Dial by your location
312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
309 205 3325 US
646 931 3860 US
301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
305 224 1968 US
646 558 8656 US (New York)
720 707 2699 US (Denver)
253 205 0468 US
253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
346 248 7799 US (Houston)
360 209 5623 US
386 347 5053 US
507 473 4847 US
564 217 2000 US
669 444 9171 US
689 278 1000 US
719 359 4580 US
Meeting ID: 810 8968 7625
Passcode: 997503
Find your local number: https://us06web.zoom.us/u/kezUmR2qiA
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