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Re: [CBQ] [BRHSlist] Attention sharp eyed BRHS/CB&Q rail fans. - where i

Subject: Re: [CBQ] [BRHSlist] Attention sharp eyed BRHS/CB&Q rail fans. - where is this?
From: "Louis Zadnichek via" <>
Date: Thu, 19 Dec 2024 21:34:01 +0000 (UTC)
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Resent-date: Thu, 19 Dec 2024 13:34:07 -0800
December 19, 2024
Jack - The first two images are easy.  First, that the GN's 4-4-0 William Crooks with its historic train taking water posed with the Twin Cities Zephyr at Oregon, IL, while in route to one of the Chicago Railroad Fairs (I forget which one and that would give you the year, if not the month).
The second one shows Q 4-6-0 910 at the timber coal chute in Wymore, NE, date unknown.
The third image, I do not recognize the location.
I'll leave it to the other Q picture sleuths to ID the other remaining unidentified images.  Otherwise, Bill, Rupert and your's truly have several hundred more "side tracked" images to upload early in the New Year.
Merriest of Christmases and Happiest of New Years to all - Louis
Louis Zadnichek II
Fairhope, AL

In a message dated 12/19/2024 3:12:58 PM Central Standard Time, writes:
Hello and Merry Christmas to you all my friends!!

The new BRHS Photo System has 38,410 photos. Most of them came from the Flickr collection made possible by Louis Zadnichek, Chuck Zeiler, Bill Barber and Rupert Gamlen.  They have spent years photographing, purchasing and collecting these photos and now freely share them with this organization.

There are about 9,081 photos of steam engines, and about half include the photo's location. That means that about half are without any location information. Now I know many of you reading this know the CB&Q system"visually", and I am sure that you are willing to help the BRHS improve it's Photo feature. But of course you are busy and your help is conditional as long as it does not require a lot of time or commitment.  That is okay, because the help I am looking for does not require either, and you can stay at home, and it is easy to do.

Lets get a few hundred of these photos identified by the 2015 Annual Meeting. That is the goal.
Some examples of photos without location information are shown below.  I suspect the first one is Oregon, IL. Yes, No?

If you know the location of these photos any of the more then 4,000 other photos without location information, do this.

  1. Log on to the Members Only area of BRHS web site.
  2. Open the BRHS Photo System.
  3. Choose the Subject Categories feature.
  4. Filter Your Browsing by Selecting Photo Category # 1 - Steam engines
  5. Choose the sort by Station, State. This will put the photos with missing locations before the photos that do have location information.
  6. On the Browse page, with three images to a row, under each photo you will find the photo's title information and below the title will be the location, state and date of photo.
  7. When you come to a photo were you know the location and state, and it is missing, click on the photo to pass from the browse web page to the viewing web page.
  8. On the viewing/editing web page, type in the station/city name in the 'City, Station Name' field and the two letter abbreviation for the state in the 'State' field.
  9. Click on one of the two  'Submit' buttons to save your input.
  10. If you see missing dates, or other information that could be added/corrected enter them and click on one of the two Submit buttons.  
  11. Dates must me entered as YYYY-MM-DD or they will not sort by year,month,day with other photos.
So fast and easy to do. Takes less then a minute.

Who cares? Many BRHS members care.  Your efforts will improve the level of information in the BRHS Photos System, and that will be appreciated by your fellow members.  And you might even get credit for your efforts at the 2015 Annual meeting.

Jack Schroeder
817 485-1922
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