Hello all:
The BRHS website now offers visitors to more than 2,300 industry records for the CB&Q. Previously there was a list by state of 789 industries. For visitors to the public website, the path to this info is located on this page http://www.burlingtonroute.org/Qrailroad/index.php which is otherwise the "About" link under CB&Q RAILROAD on the common menu. On this 'About' page use the link in the 'Learn More About The CB&Q'.
There is a link to detailed instructions on how to use this feature. Look here: http://www.burlingtonroute.org/Qrailroad/industry/industries_instructions.php

The BRHS leadership felt that there needed to be a way to edit info of existing industry entries as well as add new ones, so there is a similar feature in the Members Only space. However, here the detail page, which is reached from a search, can be updated and saved. There is also a feature that allows members to add new industry records. This has a three-step/page process starting by selecting the state, then the station, then adding the industry. This method is used because we are not going to let users free-form enter station names. How many ways are there to spell East Saint Louis? Or, "...that is a Milwaukee Road station, not a CB&Q station". This feature will log the ID number of the member editing a record or adding a new one.

PS: The detail records are currently missing the OPSL number but I am going to fix that soon with a little sub-query SQL magic. -- Jack Schroeder BRHS Asst. Webmaster
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