Thanks for correcting me on my assumptions. To be honest I was using the Mendota photo more for colour reference than accuracy as the red and white chevron did not look right to me.
So, correct me again, but I now believe the CB&Q rectangular targets are painted red on both sides. There are photos in the book ‘CB&Q Facilities’ that show the red colour of the target on the ‘face’ of the switch stand (when the track switch is in the ‘straight’ position) and the photo of the stand with #5623 shows again a red target but this time the ‘back’ of the stand.
Also I am not sure of the colours of the marker or lantern on top of the switch stand but I believe they would be red/green/red/green with the red lenses on the same side as the target below.
And would I be right in assuming that the targets themselves are about 6.5 feet above the bottom of the stand (so that the target won’t bonk the switch man).
My apologies for so many questions.
Thanks again
Brian Walsh
From: CBQ@groups.io [mailto:CBQ@groups.io] On Behalf Of Leo Phillipp via groups.io
Sent: September 22, 2022 8:24 AM
To: CBQ@groups.io
Subject: Re: [CBQ] CB&Q switch stands
The photo of the waycar and loco are at Mendota,IL. The switch targets in that photo are not C B &Q. The other photo is of a Q switch target.
On Sep 21, 2022, at 11:21 PM, Brian Walsh <bcw.backshop@sympatico.ca> wrote:
Good day Group
Over the last 10 years I have become an avid fan of the CB&Q and am attempting to build a model railroad of same in that rarest of scales - "S". Nonetheless I am happy with the locomotives and rolling stock I have been able to obtain, as well as books and data sheets on all things Q. However I am missing information on the switch stands that were prevalent in the late fifties. The best photos I have are of two stands in front of a way car and steam locomotive at a display somewhere and another switch stand beside of my favourite steam locomotive #5632. The stand with the wide rectangular target and the lantern atop the pole is what I am attempting to model. So if someone out there can provide me with some dimensions of its height and width and the colours used on the target I would be very appreciative.
Many thanks,
Brian Walsh, Caledon, Ontario 

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