Find attached three pages scanned from 1945 Annual ReportDave. Add this to
the Q and the Military Bulletin (upcoming)Wonder where this plaque got off
to?Steve in SC
On Tuesday, January 25, 2022, 12:27:42 AM EST, Carroll, Ed
<> wrote:
#yiv8959716107 P {margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0;}This may not be it, but the
2nd MRS set up HQ in Cherbourg on July 1, 1944. Railroad battalions began
landing in strength on July 3, 1944.
My two cents from history on that day.
Edward V. CarrollProfessor Emeritus of HistoryHeartland Community College
309 287-8145From: <> on behalf of Bryan Howell via <>
Sent: Monday, January 24, 2022 8:43 PM
To: CBQ <>
Subject: [CBQ] Unknown Burlington Piece All,
The following photo was posted on the BRHS Facebook page. If you have any
information on what this is, let us know and we will pass it along.
Interesting Burlington piece that I can’t make heads or tails of. Assuming to
have something to do with WWII. Any ideas on the significance of the numbers or
dates? No luck with the usual search methods. - Derek Thomas
Bryan J. HowellSuperior, WI
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1945 Annual Report P.1.jpg
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Annual Rep[ort 1945 P.2.jpg
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Annual Report 1945 P.3.jpg
Description: JPEG image
