Good point, Dave. The Q didn’t lease until after the color change. I based my comment on the two Mather mineral red stock cars I have, CNW and I forgot the other road.
Nelson Moyer
From: <> On Behalf Of
Dave Lotz
Sent: Monday, January 3, 2022 2:29 PM
Subject: Re: [CBQ] Paint Color Question
If I recall correctly, the LifeLike Mather cars were not mineral red, but in Chinese red. ModelFlex has its 16-153 CB&Q Chinese Red that should match. If you can’t find it locally, I have it in stock.
Dave Lotz
From: <> On Behalf Of
Sent: Monday, January 3, 2022 3:19 PM
Subject: Re: [CBQ] Paint Color Question
Thanks for your comments. You're right; it probably doesn't have to be a perfect match, since I do plan to weather the car after completion.
When Floquil was available, I used ATSF Mineral Red for touch-ups. Now I use Tru Color CB&Q Freight Car Red, but Tru Color doesn’t adhere to plastic
or metal well unless you use a lacquer primer first. I brush prime with touch-ups with Tamiya Light Gray Primer in the bottle.
The paint color doesn’t have to be an exact match to the P2K color – close is enough for small details, especially is you plan to weather the car.
Nelson Moyer
I'm currently building a Proto 2000 Series kit, Mather 40' Double Decker Stock Car, CB&Q #50076. I'm using metal (Tichy) grab irons instead of the
plastic ones that came with the kit. I'll need to paint the grabs to match the dark red of the car itself, and I'd appreciate it if anyone can advise me the specific red paint color that I need to use.

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