Perhaps you should take this up with Rapido direct? Jason Shron Because you don’t seem to like the answers you get here. You asked about why they chose to photograph outside. Well, in case you missed it, direct sunlight is the ONE constant light source available around the globe. Everyone’s layout has different lighting, from fluorescent to LED to even incandescent. And at all ranges of Kelvin temp. Apart from clouds and atmospheric crud (smoke, pollution), the sun’s light output is pretty constant.

Brian Ehni
From: "CBQ" <> on behalf of Nelson Moyer <>
Reply-To: "CBQ" <>
Date: Tuesday, September 7, 2021 at 7:51 PM
To: "CBQ" <>
Subject: Re: [CBQ] Rapido SW1200
Then why are they an outlier? Athearn, P2K’s latest rendition, Stewart/Bowser and occasionally BLI have gotten it right. All I want is ‘in the ballpark’. Rapido isn’t there.
Nelson Moyer
From: <> On Behalf Of BRIAN PAUL EHNI
Sent: Tuesday, September 7, 2021 7:40 PM
To: CBQ <>
Subject: Re: [CBQ] Rapido SW1200
Perhaps because they aren’t prepared to replicate the myriad lighting setups founds on layouts all over the world?

Brian Ehni
So why would Rapido use outdoor photographs to select paint for a model that will be viewed under layout lighting? Why can’t they and their consultants get it that we don’t care about how it looks outdoors.
Nelson Moyer
Take one photo of the prototype in your basement under identical lighting conditions…..
or take the photo of the models against the prototype in full sun. Guarantee the colors will be different.
The models should not be the same colors…the prototypes certainly were not!
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