Couple of thing here, first you didn’t address the Rapido issue, and It’s Tru Color, not True scale. And yes, I have all of the Tru Color CB&Q paints. They weren’t available back in the day when I repainted my Walthers GP7. Thirdly, I specifically
stated that the gray in question was for the blackbird scheme.
Nelson Moyer
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There are two grey's on Q engines. The black bird scheme and the lighter for the red. Also the grey tended to fade over the years.
True scale makes the two grey's that I find satisfactory
I just took my new Rapido SW1200 in the blackbird scheme out of the box, and my first reaction was, “Oh %#*&, they botched the gray”. Has anyone else had that reaction? The gray
is so dark it reminds me of the early Walthers P2K GP7s, only the Rapido gray may be even darker. I can’t compare because I immediately repainted the gray on the Walthers model with Model Flex CB&Q Gray. If I had seen this model in a hobby shop, I would never
have bought it, no matter how good the tooling might be. I HATE preorders! This makes the fifth or sixth shade of CB&Q blackbird gray on my roster, an no manufacturer is consistent between runs, so without a standard, they’re all shooting in the dark. Most
are missing the mark.
This is a plea for BRHS to develop and issue a color standard for model manufacturers to match as they plan models to be painted in the blackbird scheme. I shouldn’t have to repaint
brand new models because the manufacturers didn’t do their homework. Are you listening, Rapido!
Nelson Moyer
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