Since it is 3D printed, can he or is he willing to print more of them?
From: []
On Behalf Of Peter S Weber via
Sent: Wednesday, March 17, 2021 5:01 PM
Subject: [CBQ] CB&Q Monmouth Station
Several months ago, I obtained a copy of the architectural drawings for the Monmouth Station from the BRHS Archives (thank you!). I commissioned Michael Tylick to use those drawings and photos of the now demolished depot to create two 1:87 scale models of
the station. Michael did a great job and I am happy to have a 3D replica of the building. Four generations of my family worked on the railroad in and around Monmouth, IL. My Grandpa Toal went to the station every night for almost 90 years to watch the trains
come in. Like his father, who was a CB&Q engineer from 1887-1937, he was a stickler for time. I remember, if the Denver Zephyr was even a minute late, he would start making sounds of disgust while frequently looking at his watch. Railroad men...
Thanks again to the BRHS Archives and Michael Tylick for helping me retain the history and sentimentality of the Monmouth Station.
Peter S. Weber  
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