Yes, I would agree with Greg about that being very impressive about the Hudsons. However, my HO scale Hudson, even with added weight, will not pull as many cars as my Northern will up a 2% grade on a curve (sand not being available), so I am looking for an excuse to use the Northern for the Blackhawk as an alternative to using the Hudson. Maybe I will just have to assume there was not a Hudson available in either the Twin Cities or Chicago at the time of the departure! Seems unlikely, but...
Scott Myers
Pretty impressive!
From: []
On Behalf Of Bill Schultz via
Sent: Thursday, February 25, 2021 3:16 PM
Subject: Re: [CBQ] Blackhawk Car Lettering
Greg, Scott, and all --
The consist of a late-August 1934 edition of No. 48 lists 19 cars arriving Savanna behind the 3002, including a B&M, combine, single chair car, eight coaches (one
deadhead), and eight Pullmans. (Reason for all of the coaches is unknown; possibly one or more railroad-sponsored escorted tours and/or traffic enroute to Chicago's Century of Progress.) Exchanging the Minneapolis-Rock Island Pullman for the Savanna-Chicago
diner would (still) yield 19 heavyweight cars departing Savanna.
For several periods during the late '30s, the Empire Builder and North Coast Limited were consolidated, and the resulting 23-car trains were (anecdotally) always
assigned an O-5.
Bill Schultz
-----Original Message-----
To: <>
Sent: Thu, Feb 25, 2021 2:41 pm
Subject: Re: [CBQ] Blackhawk Car Lettering
On the water level route between Chicago and the Twin Cities I'm sure the Hudsons could easily handle 10 cars -- probably several more than you plan to have on your train.
How many heavyweight passenger cars do think it would take to 2exceed the capacity of a Hudson?

Gregory Baumgardner
Quality Assurance Technologist
(309) 457-1443
(309) 335-7294
1 Cloverleaf Drive
Monmouth, IL 61462
I've never seen photos of the Blackhawk behind on O-5, only S-4s, but that doesn't mean it didn't happen, especially if the train was large enough to be beyond the capacity of one
of the Hudsons.
Thank you, Hol. Very helpful. So, starting in the mid-1930s, there
may have been a mix of cars with either Blackhawk, Burlington, or Pullman in the letterboard?
Does anyone have any idea if the Northerns were ever assigned to the Blackhawk?
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Briefly, when the Blackhawk was inaugurated in 1926 all the cars wore either Burlington or Pullman on their letterboards. With the late 1929 inauguration of the Anniversary Fleet,
all the cars (including two baggage cars assigned to the Blackhawk) were lettered with the train name on the letterboard and small Burlington or Pullman lettering at each end. Same for the Aristocrat and Ak-Sar-Ben cars. This likely lasted only a few years,
though at least until the cars were air-conditioned in the mid-1930s. Sadly, there are next to no photos showing this lettering on the cars -- Pullman builder's photos, a shot of the Lincoln Club with Ak-Sar-Ben lettering and a partial view of one of the
Blackhawk baggage cars showing the small Burlington lettering at the end of the letterboard. The latter two photos are attached.
I am modeling the Blackhawk during the 1930's. Actually, I may stretch this from the late 20's thru the WWII years, but will stick to the period when only heavyweight cars and steam
locomotives were used. I have seen photos of "Minnesota Club" and "Cyrus Northrup" with Blackhawk in the letterboard. The answer in The Zephyr to question #97-5 also states that these two cars had Blackhawk in the letterboard. Photos of other Pullman cars
used for the Blackhawk have the typical Pullman in the letterboard. So, I am puzzled why this is the only Pullman car used in the Blackhawk consists that I have seen with Blackhawk in the letterboard instead of Pullman. (Did its sister 8-1-2 "William Watts
Folwell" that was used on the Blackhawk also have Blackhawk in the letterboard?) Photos of other cars have Burlington in the letterboard. However, these photos are from various dates from the 30's to much later.
What I am wondering is what name was used in the car's letterboard during this period? Was it a mixture of some cars with Blackhawk, some with Burlington, and most Pullman sleepers
with Pullman in the letterboard? Or, with the advent of the three refurbished Anniversary trains in 1930, was Blackhawk used in the letterboard on all cars until some later date?
Lastly, after Pacifics were used as the motive power for the Blackhawk in the 20's, and Hudson's starting in the early 30"s, were Northern's ever used as the motive power during this
time period?
Thanks in advance for any information and/or photos any of you can offer on these questions.
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