What about a different cocktail recipe for each different style of swizzle stick?
From: CBQ@groups.io [mailto:CBQ@groups.io] On Behalf Of
Dave Lotz
Sent: Saturday, June 20, 2020 7:16 AM
To: CBQ@groups.io
Cc: 'BRHS Zephyr Editor' <ZephyrEditor@burlingtonroute.org>
Subject: Re: [CBQ] Q Swizzle Sticks
Just received this from Rupert:
“May I suggest a photographic essay on swizzle sticks? No text would be required, other than Rich’s recipe for a gin cocktail!”
If everyone who has Q swizzle sticks would photograph them like Larry did and share them with our new Zephyr Editors, Stephanie & Derek, and Rich gives his OK to
share his recipe, I think Rupert’s idea would make a fun article for the next Zephyr!
From: CBQ@groups.io <CBQ@groups.io> On Behalf Of
Richard Gortowski via groups.io
Sent: Friday, June 19, 2020 6:43 PM
To: CBQ@groups.io
Subject: Re: [CBQ] Q Swizzle Sticks
Thanks to all that replied. I wasn't aware of the several different types of Q swizzle sticks. Now that I know what to look for, I'll search more frequently. Thanks
to Larry for providing the picture! Those dome sticks will look good in my Bombay Sapphire and tonic.
Rich G.
-----Original Message-----
From: Larry Owen via groups.io <Llarryo1=aol.com@groups.io>
To: CBQ@groups.io
Sent: Fri, Jun 19, 2020 3:03 pm
Subject: Re: [CBQ] Q Swizzle Sticks
Recently I've picked up a few Burlington Route swizzle sticks on Ebay. I hope we're not bidding against each other.
Attached (I hope) is a photo of them. I have a rainbow of colors, but i believe there are more.
I have only found sticks with dome cars.
Sent from my T-Mobile 4G LTE Device
-------- Original message --------
Date: 6/19/20 7:39 AM (GMT-06:00)
Subject: [CBQ] Q Swizzle Sticks
Did the Q have any distinctive swizzle sticks? (preferably from the 50's) I've looked for them on eBay over a period of time without luck. The Santa Fe and Great
Northern had some cool-looking ones, and the Union Pacific had a really neat Domeliner stick in the shape of a passenger train. I'm just looking to add a little ambiance to my weekend Gin and Tonics!

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