[Attachment(s) from Douglas Harding included below]
Attached are two additional photos from the same seller (press photo collection), both of a CBQ hopper 188391 in the rail yard in Des Moines IA circa 1955. This would lend additional support to the Aluminum Side hopper also being in Des Moines From: Hol Wagner [mailto:holpennywagner@msn.com] Sent: Friday, December 9, 2016 10:57 AM To: John Hodson; doug.harding@iowacentralrr.org Subject: Re: Aluminum Side Hopper John: You present a pretty convincing argument, but I just can't believe this one-of-a-kind experimental car was allowed to roam away from Burlington rails, even if it was used in revenue coal service rather than company service. I think Ted Schnepf"s suggestion that it's in Des Moines -- reinforced by Louis Zadnichek's pointing out that a number of other Des Moines photos with the same "Watermark" overprint have appeared recently on ebay -- is a more likely answer. Hol
Doug & Hol: Clark Propst sent this aerial photo of Emery and as you can see, there is the pile plus the track into the old Defense Industry building on the other side of the roadway. Cordially, John Hodson As you can see the coal pile at Emery was right against the tracks as shown in the photo. Clark Propst Mason City Iowa Sent: Thursday, December 08, 2016 4:11 PM Subject: Aluminum Side Hopper Clark: There has been some discussion the location of an aluminum hopper car from the Burlington loaded with coal sitting alongside a coal pile on an interurban railway. If you can, take a look at the location. I think it is at Emery. Doug Harding thinks it is on the old MC&CL. What do you think? I leave you with the messages as I have seen them and perhaps you can get the pictures from either Hol Wagner or Doug Harding whose addresses are as shown. I think it is Emery because of the light atop the pole in the left background, that there was coal stored at Emery after WWII, the appearance of a paved road at the right end of the hopper, and, I know this is a real stretch, there is something in the right hand background at a far distance that appears to be a pole and another shadowy object, I am wondering if this was the track to the old Defense Industries plant at Emery what processed hemp for making rope. Cordially, John Hodson Doug: Southern Iowa at Centerville was my first thought, but I kept it to myself to see if anything else might come to light. I rode a couple of NRHS Iowa Chapter trips over the SI in the early 1960s, and the photo scene actually looks vaguely familiar to me. Hol
Hol, when Iowa and trolley lines are mentioned most might think the photo was taken in Mason City IA on the Mason City & Clear Lake (later Iowa Traction). But I’m not sure as the support brackets don’t match photos I have seen of the MC&CL. As it is a CB&Q car in 1947 the photo more likely is on the Southern Iowa Railway, which was an electric line that ran from Centerville to Moravia, and also had a line to Albia till 1948. Also known as the Centerville Light & Traction Co, then Centerville, Albia & Southern Ry. the lines were acquired by Iowa Southern Utilities and in 1941 became known as the Southern Iowa Ry, owned and operated by the Utility company, which was a large user of coal. Most likely the photo was taken at a utility coal pile in the Centerville or Albia area. The coal pile area is not served by the electric line, so could be a Q served industry adjacent to the juice line. [Attachment(s) from Hol Wagner included below] Interesting negative currently for sale on ebay (image attached) showing Q twin hopper 190854 which received aluminum side and end panels experimentally at Havelock in August 1944. The seller says the image for sale was taken in Iowa in 1947, and it is clearly at an industrial property, with overhead trolley lines visible beside the track. Any ideas where this might be? One notable change in the lettering on the car since the builder's photo (also attached): It is now stenciled "FOR USE ON BURLINGTON LINES ONLY IN COMPANY COAL SERVICE." And yet it is apparently in revenue coal service in this photo. Hol

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Posted by: "Douglas Harding" <doug.harding@iowacentralrr.org>
