September 7, 2016
Hol - My first thought was may be
the locomotive was Class B-1 No. 7018 built in 1925, but the more I look at
the handwriting I think the first number is a "5." That would lead
us back to the oil-burning Class 0-1 No. 5018. Perhaps, an answer lies in
that while 5018 was assigned at the time to Sterling, CO, as we all know,
locomotives did "roam" between their scheduled ICC inspections. Could've 5018
have been converted back to burn coal at the time the train order was written?
From other past threads, we know that some locomotives were converted
back and forth from coal to oil to coal depending upon the availability
of inexpensive fuel. I think what we have here is a coal burning 5018
roaming far from her home terminal. Does any one have an image of 5018 to
share? I do not. Best Regards - Louis
Louis Zadnichek II
Fairhope, AL
In a message dated 9/2/2016 11:46:57 A.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:
Comparing the 3 and the 8, the unknown number more closely resembles
the number 5 than the way the other two numbers are written. As you mention
though, what and why would an oil burner assigned to Sterling be doing there
? All this doesn't help and adds to the mystery.
Original Message -----
Friday, September 02, 2016 9:35 AM
[CBQ] Confusing Train Order [1 Attachment]
Help! The attached 1927 train order is for sale on eBay, and I
can't figure out what locomotive it refers to. It's issued to the
conductor and engineer of No. 3, the all stops passenger local across
Missouri and down to Kansas City from Cameron Jct. It was issued at
Lathrop to set up a meet at Holt, both of which are on the Cameron
Jct.-to-Kansas City segment. It reads, "No. 3 meet Second 70 [?]
Eng. ?018 at Holt."
I'm not sure the freight referred to is second 70, as the first
number does not match the 7 is the date above, and it could be a 2, though
it doesn't match any other 2s on the order. But the really
problematic thing is the engine number, the first numeral of which looks
like either a 3 or possibly a 5. The Q had no locomotive number
3018, and the 5018 was an oil-burning O-1 Mikado assigned to the Sterling
Division on Lines West in July 1927. Anybody got any ideas?