Considering the fact that the C&I was
CTC territory from Aurora to Savanna from sometime between the mid to late 1940’s,
I not sure that the use of the class lights or flags was required by the
rulebook, as all of the trains moved on signal indications provided the CTC was
functioning as intended. (Maybe it wasn’t in the rulebook but a
note in the special instructions of the ETT) Now having said that, photos
would tend to indicate that the class lights were not always turned off while
running over the C&I, so I can’t say for sure on that. Any
comments be the railroaders on the list regarding displaying of signals in CTC
I have a question regarding the use of
class lights on GP 7's and 9's on the "Q" in general during the
1950's and early 1960's. I would also like to know if the practice was
followed on the C&I. As I recall a "green class light" (or
flag) would indicate that an unscheduled extra of the same train would
follow. A "white class light" (or flag) would indicate that the
train was the extra. So for trains following the standard schedule would
there be no class light illuminated ?
By the mid 1950's and into the 60's would
the "Q" have used class lights or flags along the C&I or did they
follow another practice by then?