The SW's, NW's and first order of SW-1's were delivered in solid black with
Dulux Gold Railroad Roman lettering.
Date: Sun, 6 Apr 2014 09:42:35 -0500
Subject: [CBQ] Re:Burlilngton Switcher Colors
I found an EMC/GM ad in the 1938 Locomotive Cyclopedia which shows several
switcher models including CB&Q SW-1 no. 9133. It is painted black with a Q
herald and the road number under the cab window. If you go to this website
link,, there are
some photos of CB&Q Baldwin switchers, delivered during WWII in December, 1943,
painted black. The Baldwins do have Everywhere West and Way of the Zephyrs
painted on the black hood surface. In BRHS Bulletin No. 2 on Alco switchers,I
found a builder's photo of the first Alco switcher, no.9300, built in April,
1943, painted in the traditional black and gray paint scheme (blackbird?). With
those references, it would appear that the black and gray paint scheme was used
after 1943. I do not know whether they repainted locomotives during WWII.
Bill BarberGravois Mills, MO
On Apr 6, 2014, at 4:14 AM, wrote:Burlilngton Switcher
ColorsSat Apr 5, 2014 10:58 am (PDT) . Posted by:"Kenneth Middleton"
krmiddle46I vaguely remember seeing photos of early CB&Q switchers (possibly
SW, SW1, NW1 or NW2) in solid black in an old issue of Railway Age, I think in
an EMC/EMD advertisement (at my age, my memory could be faulty though). As I
remember it was a full page ad with photos of engines for several roads, most
of which were painted black. Does anyone else remember ever seeing photos of Q
switchers in a sold black scheme? If so, any idea which ones and when they were
repainted to black and gray? Where might I obtain prints?
Ken Middleton
Portage, MI
CB&Q 9134, Chicago, 3-13-38, Dr. Lewis S. Buttles.jpg
Description: JPEG image
CB&Q 9136, Lincoln, Neb., 1939.JPEG
Description: JPEG image