I’m not sure that contractors were used. A single column article in Railway Age Gazette 1912 volume 53 page 615 refers to the Burlington and Illinois Central oiling their tracks including the statement “The Burlington used about 1,800 gal. of oil per mile at a total cost for the first 39 miles of about $50 per mile. The Illinois Central used about 2,200 gal. per mile.” The phraseology of the article suggests that the companies were doing their own work and makes no reference to contractors or widespread railroad oiling. If they had been using contractors, I would have expected a similar oil usage over both lines.
Rupert Gamlen
Auckland NZ
Going through old emails and had a chance to look up this item. The article states the same equipment was being used on the IC Commuter District from Grand Crossing to Randolph Street so I imagine the cars were owned by a service that was providing the crew and equipment, similar to Speno in more recent times.
Rupert also found other articles:
Oiling track B&MR (1900) (R&ER vol. 40 page 443)
Oiling track CB&Q and B&MR (1899) (RA vol. 28 page 752)
Oiling track with tank car (? ex B&MR) (1911) (RAG vol. 51 page 525)
Oiling track with tank car photo (1911) (RAG vol. 51 page 525)
Charlie Vlk