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The fully restored CB&Q Freight House in Chariton, Iowa is about to be put on
the auction block. It is currently owned and operated by the Lucas County Arts
Council. They have spent over $400,000 on its restoration and adjacent freight
car and building. You can see all of it at www.southerniowaarts.com. I have
spent the last seven years of my life dedicated to this project and have
donated 1/4 of its cost. Now all this group can do is fight and argue and is
about to dissolve. They still owe $105,000 to the bank and have no way to pay
it off. This is a fantastic property and is used over 50 times each year for
rental purposes, weddings, meetings, ect..... I hate to see all that hard work
end up in bancruptcy as nobody is willing to help out any more and even if it
were totally paid for there is no one but me to do the upkeep and maintenance,
mowing snow removal, ect.... They cannot afford to hire these things done. Any
ideas or offers out there or does
anyone want to purchase a piece of history. Chariton has a rich railroad
history and S. H. Mallory made his home here for nearly 40 years in the 1800's.
For those of you that do not know who he was, he was instrumental in the
building of the CB&Q Railroad across Iowa. His Great Uncle Van Nortwick was the
first president of the CB&Q Railroad way back when. Mallory's mansion here in
Chariton was torn down in 1959 but there are still artifacts and momentos to be
found. Look forward to any help!!!! Thanks.
Nick Cattell
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<html><head><style type="text/css"><!-- DIV {margin:0px;}
--></style></head><body><div style="font-family:times new roman, new york,
times, serif;font-size:12pt"><DIV>
<DIV>The fully restored CB&Q Freight House in Chariton, Iowa is about to be
put on the auction block. It is currently owned and operated by the Lucas
County Arts Council. They have spent over $400,000 on its restoration and
adjacent freight car and building. You can see all of it at <A
color=#810081>www.southerniowaarts.com</FONT></A>. I have spent the last seven
years of my life dedicated to this project and have donated 1/4 of its cost.
Now all this group can do is fight and argue and is about to dissolve. They
still owe $105,000 to the bank and have no way to pay it off. This is a
fantastic property and is used over 50 times each year for rental purposes,
weddings, meetings, ect..... I hate to see all that hard work end up in
bancruptcy as nobody is willing to help out any more and even if it were
totally paid for there is no one but me to do the upkeep and maintenance,
mowing snow removal, ect....
They cannot afford to hire these things done. Any ideas or offers out there or
does anyone want to purchase a piece of history. Chariton has a rich railroad
history and S. H. Mallory made his home here for nearly 40 years in the 1800's.
For those of you that do not know who he was, he was instrumental in the
building of the CB&Q Railroad across Iowa. His Great Uncle Van Nortwick was
the first president of the CB&Q Railroad way back when. Mallory's mansion
here in Chariton was torn down in 1959 but there are still artifacts and
momentos to be found. Look forward to any help!!!! Thanks. </DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>Nick Cattell</DIV></DIV></div><br>
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