As previously mentioned, noted Q Historian and Author Al Holck and I headed
out of Lincoln last Thursday morning for the Mendota Meet with scheduled
stops at Giles, IA and Sedan, IA.
Well be accomplished both, thanks to Al's topo maps and his expert navigation
of back country roads and my ability to drive where he told me.
Giles is inaccessible by road, but after navigating all around it we did get
to drive by (kind of over) it just south of the Lamoni IA exit off I35...We
just beat the vegetation by about two weeks and it's very visible as you go
by...I would still like to get into the actual site,but it would require
landowner's permission and a bit of walking....maybe someday.
SEDAN was accessed....I believe accurately...Again thanks to Al's maps and
navigation....After inquiring of a resident of nearby Exline and travel on a
few miles of very dusty county roads we entered the area...After doing some
hiking which tur;ned out to be unnecessary and with the use of a station plat
map sketch, we got properly oriented and located the former Keokuk
Centerville branch, which was the last one removed...the row is kind of a
walking trail and is still "equipped" with a concrete crossing whistle
post...We then could site in the Burlington-Carollton Branch, and then by
deduction the old Iowa and St. Louis ROW which is the road through the area.
After all this we found a sign located near, maybe on, the former depot site
which explained the origin and demise of Sedan.
If anyone wants specifics so that you too can have this adventure, feel free
to contact me off list for specifics.
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