Remember some time back when Karl shared with us switching Western Felt Works
in Chgo and the unique way it was done? Well heres a little tie into more of
the Western Felt/Q relationship.
Orville Westlund is working baggage on #55/15 on 6/7/48 out of CUS and the
baggage room guys bring a roll of Western Felts' gasket material up to the
baggage car and put it on board. The felt is wearing a shipping label stating
it was consigned to the CB&Q storekeeper at West Burlington. The roll weighed
about 100 lbs and the label specifically states it should go on #55.
Now Orville turns in a timeslip for handling company material which is over
and above his duties to handle baggage.
It comes back declined as "we cant find anyone who knows anything about this
alledged shipment".
In his request to JR Simpkins,Orville wonders if anybody would have missed
the alledged shipment if it had found its way into the Mississippi as #55
went across the bridge at Burlington? He did eventually get his $8.50 for
handling company material.
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]